Multi User Conferencing (MU-Conference) for Jabber (Jabberd2)
Introduction ~
Please refer the following article to install/configure Jabberd2…
Requirement ~
* Following packages are require to compile MU-Conference…
root@laptop:~# apt-get install libglib2.0-0 libglib2.0-dev
root@laptop:~# apt-get install libidn11 libidn11-dev
root@laptop:~# apt-get install expat lib64expat1 lib64expat1-dev libexpat1-dev liblua5.1-expat-dev liblua5.1-expat0
Step 1] How compile “MU-Conference” –
* Download “MU-Conference” from following URL –
root@laptop:/var/src# wget -c
root@laptop:/var/src# tar xvfz mu-conference_0.8.tar.gz
root@laptop:/var/src# cd mu-conference_0.8/
* compile MU-Conference
root@laptop:/var/src/mu-conference_0.8# make
cd src/ ; make
make[1]: Entering directory `/var/src/mu-conference_0.8/src’
cd jabberd ; make
make[2]: Entering directory `/var/src/mu-conference_0.8/src/jabberd’
root@laptop:/var/src/mu-conference_0.8# echo $?
Step 2] Configure MU-Conference –
* Now copy the “MU-Conference” binary to Jabberd2 installation directory –
root@laptop:~# cp /var/src/mu-conference_0.8/src/mu-conference /usr/local/jabberd-2.2.9/bin/
root@laptop:~# chown jabber:jabber /usr/local/jabberd-2.2.9/bin/mu-conference
root@laptop:~# ls -l /usr/local/jabberd-2.2.9/bin/mu-conference
-rwxr-xr-x 1 jabber jabber 191904 2009-10-12 18:59 /usr/local/jabberd-2.2.9/bin/mu-conference
root@laptop:~# /usr/local/jabberd-2.2.9/bin/mu-conference –help
Jabber Component Runtime — 0.2.4
(c) 2003-2004 Paul Curtis
/usr/local/jabberd-2.2.9/bin/mu-conference: invalid option — ‘-‘
Usage: mu-conference [-B] [-s] [-h] [-d LEVEL] -c FILE
-B Put the daemon in background
-s Show debug messages on stderr
-h Print this help
-d LEVEL Set the level of debug output
-c FILE Set the config file, mandatory argument
* Create spool directory for “MU-Conference”. The mu-conference component requires a spool directory to in which to store conference room information.
root@laptop:~# mkdir /usr/local/jabberd-2.2.9/var/spool
root@laptop:~# chown jabber:jabber /usr/local/jabberd-2.2.9/var/spool
NOTE ~ “jabber:jabber” user/group name of Jabberd2 server.
* Copy the config file of “MU-Conference” to Jabberd2 installation directory and edit the setting –
root@laptop:~# cp /var/src/mu-conference_0.8/muc-default.xml /usr/local/jabberd-2.2.9/etc/mu-conference.xml
root@laptop:~# chown jabber:jabber /usr/local/jabberd-2.2.9/etc/mu-conference.xml
root@laptop:~# vi /usr/local/jabberd-2.2.9/etc/mu-conference.xml
* Now restart the Jabberd2 server and then start “MU-Conference”…
root@laptop:~# su -l jabber -s /bin/bash -c “/usr/local/jabberd-2.2.9/bin/mu-conference -B -c /usr/local/jabberd-2.2.9/etc/mu-conference.xml”
* Please check above article, init startup script ie ‘/etc/init.d/jabberd2’ will start mu-conference.
root@laptop:~# tail -f /usr/local/jabberd-2.2.9/var/log/mu-conference.log
Mon Oct 12 19:19:40 2009 main.c:168 (main): Jabber Component Runtime — 0.2.4 starting.
Mon Oct 12 19:19:40 2009 MU-Conference: [conference.c:1076 (conference)] mu-conference loading – Service ID:
Mon Oct 12 19:19:40 2009 MU-Conference: [conference.c:1157 (conference)] Adding sadmin
Mon Oct 12 19:19:40 2009 MU-Conference: [xdb.c:319 (xdb_rooms_get)] asked to get rooms from xdb
Mon Oct 12 19:19:40 2009 MU-Conference: [xdb.c:418 (xdb_rooms_get)] skipping .. no results
Mon Oct 12 19:19:40 2009 main.c:219 (main): Main loop starting.
Mon Oct 12 19:19:40 2009 jcr_base_connect.c:34 (jcr_socket_connect): Attempting connection to localhost:5347
Mon Oct 12 19:19:40 2009 jcr_base_connect.c:87 (jcr_send_start_stream): Opening XML stream: sent 173 bytes
Mon Oct 12 19:19:40 2009 jcr_main_stream_error.c:50 (jcr_main_new_stream): Server stream connected.
Mon Oct 12 19:19:40 2009 jcr_deliver.c:51 (jcr_queue_deliver): packet delivery thread starting.
Step 3] Test “MU-Conference” –
* In “PSI” IM client , goto ‘General’ menu and then click on ‘Service Discovery’ and check the room list…
* In “Pidgin” IM client, goto ‘Tools’ and then click on ‘Room List’ section.
Once you detected the ‘mu-conference’ server. Please click on ‘+ Add Chat’ from ‘Buddies’ menu of pidgin. In case of PSI click on ‘Join Groupchat’ from ‘General’ menu to add “Conference/Room” and then join the ‘Confernece Room’.
Arun Bagul
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