Nagios daily and weekly Reporting and log parsing
Introduction – We wrote perl script for Nagios daily and weekly Reporting. This script is parsing nagios.log for all alerts notification and generating nagios report in CSV format…
** How to use?
arunb@arunb:~$ perl /home/arunb/
* Usage: /home/arunb/ { <nagios_log file> [ –summary ] }
** To Generate Daily Nagios Report –
arunb@arunb:~$ perl /home/arunb/ /usr/local/nagios/var/nagios.log
arunb@arunb:~$ perl /home/arunb/ /usr/local/nagios/var/nagios.log –summary
arunb@arunb:~$ perl /home/arunb/ /usr/local/nagios/var/nagios.log –summary > /tmp/NAGIOS-daily.csv
** To Generate Weekly Nagios Report –
Add all weeks nagios.log files absolute path (per line) in file say “/tmp/nagios-logfile”
arunb@arunb:~$ for i in `cat /tmp/nagios-logfile`; do perl /home/arunb/ $i; done | grep -v ^$ > /tmp/NAGIOS-weekly.csv
* Want to see the script ?
arunb@arunb:~$ cat /home/arunb/ #!/usr/bin/perl my $file = $ARGV[0]; my $stime = 0; my $htime = 0; my ($s_alert,$h_alert ) = (undef,undef); my $STATE_OK; my $STATE_WARNING; my $STATE_CRITICAL; my $STATE_UNKNOWN; my %STATE_COUNTER; my %ALERT; ############################ if ($ARGV[0]) { #my $file = "/usr/local/nagios/var/nagios.log"; open (MYFILE, "<$file" ) or die "Can;t open nagios file"; while(<MYFILE>) { chomp; my $line = $_; ##print "\n".$line; #if ($line =~ m/[(.*)].*;(.*);(.*);(.*);.*/) { #if ($line =~ m/\[(.*)\]\s+(HOST|SERVICE)\sNOTIFICATION:\s\w+;(.*);.*/) { if ($line =~ m/\[(.*)\]\s+SERVICE\sNOTIFICATION:\s\w+;(.*);.*/) { my $time = $1; my $mydate = scalar(localtime($time)); my ($host,$service,$alert) = split(';',$2); #print "\nARUN=>$1 = $host,$service,$alert"; if ($s_alert eq $service) { my $time_diff = $time - $stime; if ($time_diff > 600 ) { if ($alert ne "OK") { if (exists $ALERT{"$service"}) { $ALERT{"$service"} = $ALERT{"$service"} + 1;} else { $ALERT{"$service"} = 1 ; } $STATE_COUNTER{"$alert"} = $STATE_COUNTER{"$alert"} + 1; print "\n$mydate [$time],$host,$service,$alert"; } } } else { if ($alert ne "OK") { if (exists $ALERT{"$service"}) { $ALERT{"$service"} = $ALERT{"$service"} + 1;} else { $ALERT{"$service"} = 1 ; } $STATE_COUNTER{"$alert"} = $STATE_COUNTER{"$alert"} + 1; print "\n$mydate [$time],$host,$service,$alert"; } } $stime = $time; $s_alert = $service; } elsif ($line =~ m/\[(.*)\]\s+HOST\sNOTIFICATION:\s\w+;(.*);.*/) { my $time = $1; my $mydate = scalar(localtime($time)); my ($host,$hdown,$alert) = split(';',$2); #print "\nARUN=>$1 = $host,$hdown"; if ($hdown eq "DOWN") { if ($h_alert eq $host) { my $time_diff = $time - $htime; if ($time_diff > 600 ) { $STATE_COUNTER{"$hdown"} = $STATE_COUNTER{"$hdown"} + 1; print "\n$mydate [$time],$host,$hdown"; } } else { $STATE_COUNTER{"$hdown"} = $STATE_COUNTER{"$hdown"} + 1; print "\n$mydate [$time],$host,$hdown"; } } $htime = $time; $h_alert = $host; } } ## summary my $total_counter = 0; my $total_service = keys(%ALERT); if ($ARGV[1] eq "--summary") { print "\n\n"."-" x 20; print "\nSummary Report\n"; print "-" x 20 . "\n"; print "\nAlert_Type,Total_Count"; while (my ($key,$value)= each(%STATE_COUNTER)) { print "\n$key,$value"; } print "\n\nService_Name,Total_Count"; while (my ($key,$value)= each(%ALERT)) { print "\n$key,$value"; $total_counter = $total_counter + $value; } print "\n\nTotal Alerts = $total_counter"; print "\nTotal Service Failed = $total_service"; } } else { print " * Usage: $0 { <nagios_log file> [ --summary ] }";} #end print "\n";
** To download the script “”
Thank You,
Arun Bagul