Load Balancing – shell script
echo “——————————————-”
echo “”
echo -e “Wel come to Load Balancing………….”
echo -e “@arunbagul@indiangnu.org”
echo “”
echo “——————————————-”
#**root@proxy# cat /etc/iproute2/rt_tables
# reserved values
#**255 local
#**254 main
#**253 default
#**0 unspec
#Entry manually added
#please add this two line each internet connections
#for example two connections
#**251 sify3
#**252 tata
#specify Details
#Local LAN
#INET1 (internet connection )
#INET2 (internet connection )
case “$1” in
#Start Load Balancing……..
echo -e “Starting Load Balancing……..”
#Flush out table tata & sify3 if any routing is their.
/sbin/ip route flush table tata
/sbin/ip route flush table sify3
echo -e “Creating Kernel routing table::- tata(251)”
# is IP n/w of ISP1 with
#gateway is & IP assign
#to eth3 is which is source(src)
/sbin/ip route add $INET2_NWK dev $INET2_IF src $INET2_IP proto kernel table tata
#Add entry for internel n/w
/sbin/ip route add $LAN_NWK dev $LAN_IF proto kernel src $LAN_IP table tata
#Now add default gateway to ISP-I in table tata
/sbin/ip route add default via $INET2_GW table tata
echo -e “Creating Kernel routing table::- sify3(253)”
# is IP n/w of ISP2 with
# gateway is & IP assign
#to eth1 is which is source(src)
/sbin/ip route add $INET1_NWK dev $INET1_IF src $INET1_IP proto kernel table sify3
#Add entry for internel n/w
/sbin/ip route add $LAN_NWK dev $LAN_IF proto kernel src $LAN_IP table sify3
#Now add default gateway to ISP-II in table sify3
/sbin/ip route add default via $INET1_GW table sify3
#set up the routing rules.
#These actually choose what routing table to route with.
/sbin/ip rule add from $INET2_IP table tata
/sbin/ip rule add from $INET1_IP table sify3
#Delete default route path form kernel ‘main’ routing table.
/sbin/route del default
if [ $(echo $?) = 0 ] ; then
echo -e “Default gateway removed from ‘main’ table”
/sbin/route del default
echo “Done………”
#now set up the default route to be a multipath route.
#In the default kernel this will balance routes over the two providers.
#/sbin/ip route add default equalize nexthop via $INET1_IP $dev $INET1_IF weight 1 nexthop via $INET2_IP dev $INET2_IF weight 1
/sbin/ip route add default nexthop via $INET1_IP dev $INET1_IF weight 1 nexthop via $INET2_IP dev $INET2_IF weight 1
echo -e ” Thank you….”
#Stoping Load Balancing….
echo -e “Stoping Load Balancing….”
#Seperating routing decision…
/sbin/ip rule del from $INET1_IP table tata
/sbin/ip rule del from $INET1_IP table sify3
#Flush out table tata,sify3 and main if any routing is their.
/sbin/ip route flush table tata
/sbin/ip route flush table sify3
/sbin/ip route flush table main
#update kernel ‘main table’————–
#add entry for ‘tata’ connection
/sbin/ip route add $INET2_NWK dev $INET2_IF src $INET2_IP proto kernel scope link table main
#add entry for ‘sify’ connection
/sbin/ip route add $INET1_NWK dev eth1 src $INET1_IP proto kernel scope link table main
#Add entry for internel n/w
/sbin/ip route add $LAN_NWK dev $LAN_IF proto kernel scope link src table main
#Now add default gateway to ISP-I in table main
/sbin/ip route add default via $INET1_GW table main
#Checkng Load Balancing status….
echo -e “Checking Load Bal status…….”
#Check load balancing is successful or not————-
/sbin/ip route show | grep “nexthop” > /dev/null
if [ $(echo $?) = 0 ] ; then
echo -e “Load Balancing is SUCCESSSFUL”
echo -e “Load Balancing FAILED”
echo -e “Load-balancing:: Please try again…”
#Kernel routing table
echo -e “Kernel routing table ‘tata’ is…..”
/sbin/ip route show table tata
echo -e “Kernel routing table ‘sify3’ is…..”
/sbin/ip route show table sify3
#Now finally check kernel routing with default route as multiple route
echo -e “~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~”
echo -e “Kernel ‘main’ routing table is…(plz check here)”
/sbin/ip route show table main
echo -e “………..”
/sbin/route -n
echo -e “~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~”
echo -e “!!please run this cmd when ever you will restart n/w service or PC.”
echo -e ” And make sure that both connection are running”
echo “Usage:/sbin/load-balancing {start|stop|status|table}”
exit 1
#exit 0
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