을 구성하는 방법 MySQL은 다중 마스터 복제

을 구성하는 방법 MySQL은 다중 마스터 복제

소개 ~

나도 오랫만에 MySQL은 다중 마스터 복제에 대한 글을 쓰기로 계획했다; 마지막으로 지금 시작하십시오!. 제발 “을 구성하는 방법 하나의 마스터”URL과 MySQL이 복제 문서를 참조하십시오 ~ http://www.indiangnu.org/2007/mysql-replication-one-master-multiple-slave/

* 내 모든 MySQL에 다중 마스터 복제 순수에 대한 다음과 같은 두 개의 변수를 기반으로 알려 보자. 그것은 복제 기술을 MySQL의 복제에 사용되는 상관 없어요 ….

mysql> show variables like ‘%increment_%’;
| Variable_name                 | Value |
| auto_increment_increment      | 1     |
| auto_increment_offset         | 1     |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)


** Requirements ~

a) Master Hosts (2 master in my case) ~
master-1 =>
master-2 =>
b) Replication Slave (1 slave) ~
Slave =>

c) MySQL server (with replication support)

** Let us understand how it works ?

* Master-1 Server =>

Set following variables…

mysql> set auto_increment_increment=5;
mysql> set auto_increment_offset=1;

mysql> show variables like ‘%increment_%’;
| Variable_name            | Value |
| auto_increment_increment | 2     |
| auto_increment_offset    | 1     |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)


** Create Table ~

mysql> create table class ( rollno INT(5) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT , name VARCHAR(30) );

** Add Record now ~

mysql> INSERT INTO class VALUES (”,’Arun Bagul’);
mysql> INSERT INTO class VALUES (”,’Ravi Bhure’);
mysql> INSERT INTO class VALUES (”,’Karthik Appigita’);
mysql> INSERT INTO class VALUES (”,’Ameya Pandit’);

mysql> SELECT * FROM class;
| rollno | name             |
|      1 | Arun Bagul       |
|      3 | Ravi Bhure       |
|      5 | Karthik Appigita |
|      7 | Ameya Pandit     |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)


* Master-2 Server =>

Set following variables…

mysql> set auto_increment_increment=2;
mysql> set auto_increment_offset=2;

mysql> show variables like ‘%increment_%’;
| Variable_name            | Value |
| auto_increment_increment | 2     |
| auto_increment_offset    | 2     |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)


** Create Table ~

mysql> create table class ( rollno INT(5) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT , name VARCHAR(30) );

** Add Record now ~

mysql> INSERT INTO class VALUES (”,’Nilkanth Parab’);
mysql> INSERT INTO class VALUES (”,’Nishit Shah’);
mysql> INSERT INTO class VALUES (”,’Ram Krishna’);
mysql> INSERT INTO class VALUES (”,’Suhail Thakur’);

mysql> SELECT * FROM class;
| rollno | name             |
|      2 | Nilkanth Parab   |
|      4 | Nishit Shah      |
|      6 | Ram Krishna      |
|      8 | Suhail Thakur    |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)


** What is the importance of “auto_increment_increment” and “auto_increment_offset” ~

mysql> desc class;
| Field  | Type        | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| rollno | int(5)      | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| name   | varchar(30) | YES  |     | NULL    |                |

auto_increment_offset    => This is BASE value for column with “auto_increment” attribute (please refer the above example)
auto_increment_increment => This is the increment value for column with “auto_increment” attribute

** If you combine the both tables (master-1 and master-2) the final table will look like this ~

mysql> SELECT * FROM class;
| rollno | name             |
|      1 | Arun Bagul       |
|      2 | Nilkanth Parab   |
|      3 | Ravi Bhure       |
|      4 | Nishit Shah      |
|      5 | Karthik Appigita |
|      6 | Ram Krishna      |
|      7 | Ameya Pandit     |
|      8 | Suhail Thakur    |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)


** This is how Multi master replication works….

auto_increment_offset=Nth master server

어디로 –
마스터 서버의 N = “니은 번째 번호를 마스터 (- 1 .. 그것을 2 이렇게 계속) 그것을 1 마스터 – 2 계속
우리의 경우 마스터 서버 (2 남 = “총 숫자지만, 높은 그렇게 우리는 새 마스터 서버를 쉽게 추가할 수 있도록이 값을 계속 더 나은)

로그인 노예 업데이 트 = “슬레이브 서버는 바이너리 자체는 마스터 서버에서 수신되는 모든 업데이 트를 로그에 기록하지 않습니다. 이 옵션은 슬레이브 업데이 트를 자사는 SQL 스레드에 의해 자신의 이진 로그에 로그인할 때 수행을 알려줍니다.

**이 MySQL과 최대의 모든 마스터 서버와 슬레이브 서버에서 실행되고 있는지 확인 –

어떻게 설정 MySQL은 다중 마스터 복제? –

Step 1] Create Database/Tables on  Master  & Slave Servers –

You can create DB on all master & slave server or  create on one server and export that DB on  rest of all servers…

Master-1 => Create DB and Table

mysql> create database student;

mysql> use student;

mysql> create table class ( rollno INT(5) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT , name VARCHAR(30) );

mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_student |
| class             |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> desc class;
| Field  | Type        | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| rollno | int(5)      | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| name   | varchar(30) | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT * FROM class;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

* Now take dump of “student” DB and export it on all master and Slave server…

[root@master-1~]# mysqldump -u root -p  -d student > /home/arunsb/student.sql

* SCP the dump file on master-2 and slave server ~
[root@master-1~]# scp /home/arunsb/student.sql arunsb@
[root@master-1~]# scp /home/arunsb/student.sql arunsb@

Login on master-2 and slave ~

mysql> create database student;

[root@master-2~]# mysql -u root -p student < /tmp/student.sql
Enter password:

[root@master-2~]# mysql -u root -p
Enter password:

mysql> use student

mysql> SELECT * FROM class;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

** Please repeat the same steps on Slave server as well…

Step 2] Update “my.cnf” config file on master-1,master-2 and slave server –

[root@master-1~]# cat /etc/my.cnf

##MySQL replication setting

#Master setting(1)
server-id = 1
log-bin = /var/log/mysql/binary/mysql-bin.log
binlog-do-db = student
binlog-ignore-db = mysql
#log = /var/log/mysql/mysql.log

##slave setting


[root@master-2~]# cat /etc/mysql/my.cnf

##MySQL replication setting

#Master setting(2)
server-id = 2
log-bin = /var/log/mysql/binary/mysql-bin.log
binlog-ignore-db = mysql
log = /var/log/mysql/mysql.log

##slave setting


* please create directory for binary log and set permission…

[root@master-1~]# mkdir -p /var/log/mysql/binary/
[root@master-1~]# chown mysql:adm  /var/log/mysql/ /var/log/mysql/binary/

[root@master-2~]# mkdir -p /var/log/mysql/binary/
[root@master-2~]# chown mysql:adm  /var/log/mysql/ /var/log/mysql/binary/

** MySQL Replication Slave ~

[root@slave~]# cat  /etc/my.cnf


##slave setting


Step 3] Give Replication permission on both masters ~

** Master (1 & 2) ~

mysql> GRANT REPLICATION SLAVE ON *.* TO ‘replication’@’10.66.%.%’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘mypwd’;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)


Step 4] Restart MySQL on both master as well as replication slave server ~

** Please verify setting on master-1 and master-2 server…

* Master-1

mysql> show variables like ‘%increment_%’;
| Variable_name            | Value |
| auto_increment_increment | 5     |
| auto_increment_offset    | 1     |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

* Master-2

mysql> show variables like ‘%increment_%’;
| Variable_name            | Value |
| auto_increment_increment | 5     |
| auto_increment_offset    | 2     |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

** Please verify ‘master’ & ‘slave’ status on both masters(1 & 2) and slave –

mysql> show master status;
mysql> show slave status;

** Multi Master replication is started…

Step 5] Add few records on Master-1 & Master-2 server at same time ~

Add records on both master server at same time and check master and replication slave status as shown above….

** Add following on master-1

mysql> INSERT INTO class VALUES (”,’Arun Bagul’);
mysql> INSERT INTO class VALUES (”,’Ravi Bhure’);
mysql> INSERT INTO class VALUES (”,’Karthik Appigita’);
mysql> INSERT INTO class VALUES (”,’Ameya Pandit’);

** Add following on master-2

mysql> INSERT INTO class VALUES (”,’Nilkanth Parab’);
mysql> INSERT INTO class VALUES (”,’Nishit Shah’);
mysql> INSERT INTO class VALUES (”,’Ram Krishna’);
mysql> INSERT INTO class VALUES (”,’Suhail Thakur’);

** Please verify the numbers of records on both masters and slave….

mysql> SELECT * FROM class;
| rollno | name             |
|      1 | Arun Bagul       |
|      2 | Nilkanth Parab   |
|      6 | Ravi Bhure       |
|     11 | Karthik Appigita |
|     16 | Ameya Pandit     |
|     17 | Nishit Shah      |
|     22 | Ram Krishna      |
|     27 | Suhail Thakur    |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)


* 그래서 우리 모두를 구성하는 다중 마스터 복제 MySQL을 배웠습니다. 즐기십시오!

Arun Bagul

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