Month: June 2009

How to configure vpn client on Linux

How to configure vpn client on Linux

This has been tested under RHEL 4/5, CentOS 4.4/5 and fedora 8 (kernel version 2.6.15+)

I found and stored few required rpm packages from various places that you will download from given.

After downloading these first you will have to install lib packages and then pptp packages

rpm -ivh –nodeps libglade-0.17-11.i386.rpm libglade-devel-0.17-11.i386.rpm  libxml-1.8.17-8.i386.rpm libxml-devel-1.8.17-8.i386.rpm

rpm -ivh pptp-1.7.2-3.fc5.i386.rpm pptpconfig-20060821-1.fc5.noarch.rpm php4-pcntl-gtk-1.0.2-4.fc5.i386.rpm php4-pcntl-4.4.9-1.fc5.i386.rpm

now go to the given image that I would like to show how I added vpn connection

1) open vpnclient configuration launchpad with “pptpconfig”

2)  Now create your profile with all the details and add

Now you have to set you external route or tunnel IP range into it for that click on “Routing” and set  “All to Tunnel” and update your profile.

Now start your vpn client.


Automate script for hp_ltt with read option

Automate script for hp_ltt with read option

Hello Friends,

Many days back, I have configured this storageworks devices of HP and nowadays one of my friend is having like the same issue’s with the os’s to configuring HP storageworks, he has been doing manual driver scan with hp_ltt tool every time when system has been rebooted. Actually there some thing missing with os’s but still this scripts work for him now.

#!/usr/bin/expect  —
# This expect script is useful and working with driver Diagnostic automated tool
# I have tested this over “HP StorageWorks Library and Tape Tools”
# Please change the option number 10 for rescan as per mention in your hp_ltt script.
# Some older hp_ltt script it has option number 9, so please check once this option.
# If you have any queries about this script please send email on ravi <at> indiangnu <dot> org
set timeout -1
spawn ./hp_ltt
match_max 100000
send — “r”
# Look for prompt
expect “ommand>”
# Send option 1 for hardware scan
send — “1r”
send — “r”
# Look for  prompt
expect “ommand>”
# Send option 3 for continue
send — “3r”
send — “r”
# Look for prompt
expect “ommand>”
# send option 10 for rescan
send — “10r”
send — “r”
# Look for prompt
expect “ommand>”
# Send 1 (exit) from L & TT
send — “1r”
send — “r”
expect eof

Suggestion : You have to run this expect script under the $HOME folder of hp_ltt script.


openlsm-0.99 released

openlsm-0.99 released

Dear All,

We are pleased to announce that the openslm-0.99 development platform released on 10th Jun 2009. We are sure that  all contributor’s of openlsm and community will start coding for openlsm…

* Please don’t forget to test openlsm and give your valuable feedback/suggestion!

community Blog –

Download openlsm ~


What is openLSM?

openLSM is web-based control panel designed to make administration of website, GNU/Linux and Unix based operating system easy! openLSM handles all aspects of administration in its interface. It is free/open source software under GPL.

How to install openlsm ~

step 1) cd to the source directory

   ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/openlsm
    ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/openlsm --with-mysql=/usr/bin/mysql_config --enable-internal-pcre
    --with-geoip=/usr --with-ldap=/usr 	

   make install
step 2) openLSM is using 'openlsm' user and group. please create system user and group and set homedir
    /usr/local/openlsm or 'prefix' value. Confirm ownership/permission of '/usr/local/openlsm'
     directory after installation.

  addgroup --system openlsm
  adduser --system  --home /usr/local/openlsm --shell /bin/false --gid <gid_of_openlsm_group>  openlsm

step 3) How to create a self signed certificate for SSL/TLS

 dd if=/dev/random  of=/tmp/random.dat bs=1024 count=1

 $ openssl genrsa   -out  /usr/local/openlsm/etc/openlsm/ssl/openlsm-certificate.key
    -rand /tmp/random.dat 2048
 $ openssl req -new -key /usr/local/openlsm/etc/openlsm/ssl/openlsm-certificate.key
   -out /usr/local/openlsm/etc/openlsm/ssl/openlsm-certificate.csr

 #generate certificate
 $ openssl x509 -req -days 365 -set_serial 1 -in
   -signkey /usr/local/openlsm/etc/openlsm/ssl/openlsm-certificate.key
   -out /usr/local/openlsm/etc/openlsm/ssl/openlsm-certificate.crt

step 4) please check permission, ownership of /usr/local/openlsm directory and file
        path in openlsm.conf  configuration file...

start openlsm with script in  contrib directory…

./contrib/openlsm start

URL ~ http://<server_name_or_ip>:4050/ or


enjoy !!

IndianGNU & openlsm

openLSM + Cherokee

openLSM + Cherokee

Dear All,

We are pleased to announce that tomorrow we are launching openslm-0.99 development platform. We are sure that  all contributor’s of openlsm and community will start coding for openlsm…

* Please don’t forget to test openlsm and give your valuable feedback/suggestion!

openlsm + Cherokee –

After all ups and  down finally openLSM community has decided to use Cherokee for openlsm admin server. We have customized Cherokee as per your requirement.

Thank you,
openLSM and