Steps needed to create LUNs and to make them accessible by windows ISCSI initiators.

Steps needed to create LUNs and to make them accessible by windows ISCSI initiators.

Steps needed to create LUN and to make accessible by windows ISCSI initiators.

  • mohit_netapp02*> lun setup

This setup will take you through the steps needed to create LUNs
and to make them accessible by initiators. You can type ^C (Control-C)
at any time to abort the setup and no unconfirmed changes will be made
to the system.

  • Do you want to create a LUN? [y]: y
  • Multiprotocol type of LUN (solaris/windows/hpux/aix/linux/netware/vmware/windows_gpt)[linux]: windows

A LUN path must be absolute. A LUN can only reside in a volume or
qtree root. For example, to create a LUN with name “lun0” in the
qtree root /vol/vol1/q0, specify the path as “/vol/vol1/q0/lun0”.

  • Enter LUN path: /vol/test_vol/test_lun0

A LUN can be created with or without space reservations being enabled.
Space reservation guarantees that data writes to that LUN will never

  • Do you want the LUN to be space reserved? [y]: Object action: admin.util.true

Size for a LUN is specified in bytes. You can use single-character
multiplier suffixes: b(sectors), k(KB), m(MB), g(GB) or t(TB).

  • Enter LUN size: 55g

You can add a comment string to describe the contents of the LUN.
Please type a string (without quotes), or hit ENTER if you don’t
want to supply a comment.

  • Enter comment string:

The LUN will be accessible to an initiator group. You can use an
existing group name, or supply a new name to create a new initiator
group. Enter ‘?’ to see existing initiator group names.

  • Name of initiator group [windows]: Test_windows

Type of initiator group Test_windows (FCP/iSCSI) [iSCSI]: iSCSI
An iSCSI initiator group is a collection of initiator node names.Each
node name can begin with either ‘eui.’ or ‘iqn.’ and should be in the
following formats: eui.{EUI-64 address} or iqn.yyyy-mm.{reversed domain
name}:{optional string composed of alphanumeric characters, ‘-‘, ‘.’
and ‘:’}
Eg: or eui.02004567A425678D
You can separate node names by commas. Enter ‘?’ to display a list of
connected initiators. Hit ENTER when you are done adding node names to
this group.

  • Enter comma separated nodenames: ?

Initiators connected on adapter ism_sw1:
iSCSI Initiator Name                  Group   windows   windows
Enter comma separated nodenames:
Enter comma separated nodenames:
The initiator group has an associated OS type. The following are
currently supported: solaris, windows, hpux, aix, linux, netware
or vmware.

  • OS type of initiator group “Test_windows” [windows]: windows

The LUN will be accessible to all the initiators in the
initiator group. Enter ‘?’ to display LUNs already in use
by one or more initiators in group “Test_windows”.

  • LUN ID at which initiator group “Test_windows” sees “/vol/test_vol/test_lun0” [0]: 1

LUN 1 is already mapped to by initiator
in group windows
LUN ID at which initiator group “Test_windows” sees “/vol/test_vol/test_lun0” [0]: 2
LUN Path                : /vol/test_vol/test_lun0
OS Type                 : windows
Size                    : 55.0g (59057510400)
Initiator Group         : Test_windows
Initiator Group Type    : iSCSI
Initiator Group Members :
Mapped to LUN-ID        : 2

  • Do you want to accept this configuration? [y]: y
  • Do you want to create another LUN? [n]: n
  • mohit_netapp02*> lun showq

lun: unrecognized command “showq”
The following commands are available; for more information
type “lun help <command>”
aluadb              destroy             move                set
attribute           df                  offline             setup
clone               geometry            online              share
comment             help                rescan              show
config              hist                resize              snap
config_check        map                 select              stats
create              maxsize             serial              unmap

  • mohit_netapp02*> lun show

/vol/bod_iscsi/asm1            5g (5368709120)    (r/w, online, mapped)
/vol/mohitsnap/lun0         502.0g (539019048960)  (r/w, online, mapped)
/vol/test_vol/test_lun0     55.0g (59057510400)   (r/w, online, mapped)



Maximum LUN resize limits on NetApp

Be aware there are some limits to resize the Netapp size. Due to the geometry of the LUN at the time it was created it can only be resized to a maximum of ~10 times the original size of the LUN.

One way to see this is at the command line, for the command to be available you need to run ‘priv set diag‘ and then you will have access to the ‘lun geometry‘ command. From there you can see the LUN size as well as the maximum LUN size that is available.


Here is a table of some of the results:

LUN Size Maximum Resize
< 50g 502g
51-100g 1004g
101-150g 1506g
151-200g 2008g
201-251g 2510g
252-301g 3012g
302-351g 3514g
352-401g 4016g


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