

Arun Bagul Ravi Bhure Santhosh Tirunahari
Arun Bagul ~ Linux Admin, DBA
& Perl Programmer
Ravi Bhure ~ Linux Admin &
Perl Programmer
Santhosh Tirunahari
~ PHP & Java Developer
Nishit Shah Nilkanth Parab Arun Bagal
Nishit Shah ~Designer &
Linux Admin
Nilkanth Parab ~Team Leader,
Programmer & DBA
Arun Bagal~ Linux and Vmware Admin, Python Programmer

2 Replies to “Contributors”

  1. Hi guys

    I see you have great site with lots of interesting articles.

    I am an author of the open-source security project called Databunker.

    It will be great if you can take a look at the tool and maybe write a few words about it.

    I will be happy to demo you the application or help you with the installation.
    It is a simple docker.

    Here is the link:

    Thanks & best regards,

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