Sun Microsystems acquire MySQL !!
January 16, 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. announced that it has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire MySQL AB, an open source icon and developer of one of the world’s fastest growing open source databases for approximately $1 billion in total consideration. The acquisition accelerates Sun‘s position in enterprise IT to now include the $15 billion database market. This announcement reaffirms Sun‘s position as the leading provider of platforms for the Web economy and its role as the largest commercial open source contributor. For more information, please visit and
Sun Microsystems, Inc. has assures that MySQL users have plenty of reason to feel happy about the acquisition. In addition to the current MySQL offerings, Sun is unveiling new global support offerings. This has huge implications, not only for Sun and MySQL… but for Open Source in general. MySQL was one of the hottest commercial Open Source companies. Sun was already one of the largest contributors of Open Source in the world, but this puts them at the epicenter of the LAMP stack. How this will impact their on again off again relationship with Linux remains to be seen, but I’m already seeing promises that this acquisition will not impact MySQL support on non-Solaris platforms.
(: Arun Bagul